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Armenia: A year at Erzeroom, and on the frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and Persia
London, 1854 (John Murray)
CURZON, Robert

Curzon stayed in Erzurum in 1842-1843 as delegate to the British-Turkish-Persian-Russian Commission charged with delineating the Ottoman-Persian frontier. He felt unconscious for 27 days after a stroke in October 1843, only to be awaked by the destructive earthquake of October, 27, 1843. After that he was evacuated to Britain to recover. He did not record much travel, but left some interesting descriptions of daily life in Erzurum.
The limited number of places mentioned in Curzon's book - in the provinces of Trabzon, Bayburt, Gümüşhane and Erzurum - are included in the geographical index on this website