Geographical annotations to
Brant, James. "Notes of a Journey through a part of Kurdistan, in the Summer of 1838
19th century sources
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Habab → Ekinözü (village in Kovancılar district, Elazığ province)
Khiji → Kiğı (centre of Kığı district, Bingöl province)
Mezirah→ probably village close to Karakoçan (centre of Karakoçan district, Elazığ province), perhaps Karapınar
Dujik → in the first half of the 19th century a common term for the Dersim (Tunceli) area
Sivan Maden → probably near Gözertepe (village in Genç district, Bingöl province)
Samsun → Samsun (capital of Samsun province)
Chevli → Bingöl (capital of Bingöl province)
Geographical annotations to
Brant, James. "Notes of a Journey through a part of Kurdistan, in the Summer of 1838